PTE Preparation Tips: Speaking & Writing Section

Part : Speaking & Writing
Time Allotted - 77 – 93 Minutes
In PTE AcademicPart 1 of the test will assess your writing and speaking skills 
TipIf you remain silent for more than 3 seconds, the recording will stop automatically and you'll not be able to re-record. 


Type of question 
Skills assessed 
Time to answer 
Read aloud 
Read the provided text aloud 
Reading and Speaking 
Variesdepends on the length of text 
Repeat sentence 
After listening to a recording, repeat the sentence 
Listening and Speaking 
15 seconds 
Describe image 
Describe the image provided in detail 
40 seconds 
Re-tell lecture 
After listening to a lecture, re-tell it in your own words 
Listening and Speaking 
40 seconds 
Answer short question 
After listening to a question, answer with a single word 
Listening and Speaking 
10 seconds 
Summarize written text 
After reading a text, write a one-sentence summary 
Reading and Writing 
10 minutes 
Write a 200–300 word essay on the given topic 
20 minutes

Speaking: Personal Introduction 
This item is not scored but provides you an opportunity to tell the institution about yourself. You get 25 seconds to prepare till you can record. After the tone, start speakingYou should speak clearly and don't rush. You get 30 seconds to record your introductionYou should finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end. You will be able to record your introduction only once. 
Your response will be sent along with your score report to the colleges and universities selected by you.

NoteGet PTE taining from experienced trainers. Guarantee Boost in  in PTE your score 90% Success rate in PTE score.

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